Pashmina Nura Pashmina - Mocca Mocca-607739
Pashmina Nura Pashmina - Mocca Mocca-607740
Pashmina Nura Pashmina - Mocca Mocca-607741
Pashmina Nura Pashmina - Mocca Mocca-607742
Pashmina Nura Pashmina - Mocca Mocca-607743

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Nura Pashmina - Mocca

Rp 65.000,-
Rp 58.500,-
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- Bahan premium sangat jatuh - Nyaman digunakan - Mudah diatur -Finishing : laser cut pada tepi pashmina • FREE POUCH • (1 item 1 Pouch)
Ceruty Armani
How to Care
Gunakan detergen yang lembut. Jangan direndam terlalu lama. Hindari pemutih. Jangan gunakan mesin pengering
Mungkin ada sedikit perbedaan warna antara gambar dengan warna asli, tergantung pada resolusi monitor Anda
A**e - November 26, 2022 08:31
Review Nura Pashmina Mocca Pashmina
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Weight (in gram, max. 6000, 3-4 Tops is approximately 1 kg):
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Shipping cost exclude tax will be billed to Receiver depends on government regulation.
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